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Description de l'association Association CHELLYWOOD:

Welcome to Chellywood, a non-profit association dedicated to promoting local artistic activities throughout the 77500 Chelles area. Our name, inspired by the town we call home, represents our passion for creativity and community. Founded in 2010, Chellywood has been committed to providing a platform for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to express themselves through various artistic disciplines. From music to cinema, theater to photography, and even visual arts, we believe that every form of art has the power to inspire, unite, and bring joy to our community. Located at 23 Avenue Albert Caillou, our association serves as a hub for artists, art enthusiasts, and anyone interested in supporting the local arts scene. We strive to showcase the diverse talents and creativity within our community, while also encouraging collaboration and cultural exchange between artists and members of the public. One of our primary objectives is to promote and facilitate the practice of artistic activities in Chelles and its surrounding areas. With this in mind, we organize workshops, training sessions, and events that aim to nurture and develop artistic skills within our community. We also provide access to resources and facilities for artists looking to create and showcase their work. At Chellywood, we not only focus on promoting local talent, but also on expanding the reach of our activities. From organizing concerts and exhibitions to producing short films and theater productions, we constantly strive to engage with audiences beyond our immediate surroundings. Through partnerships with other organizations, we have successfully taken our projects to different cities and regions, spreading the message of creativity and collaboration. Our association is run by a dedicated team of volunteers who share a common goal – to make art accessible to all. We welcome people from all walks of life to join us, whether as members, volunteers, or simply as supporters of the local arts scene. At Chellywood, we believe that art has the power to break down barriers and bring people together, and we strive to create a sense of community and inclusivity within our association. In conclusion, Chellywood is more than just an association – it is a vibrant hub for creativity, collaboration, and community engagement. We are constantly evolving and expanding our activities to promote the arts in our local area and beyond. We invite you to join us and be a part of this exciting journey in celebrating and promoting the beauty of art. So come and explore the world of art with Chellywood, because at the end of the day, art is for everyone.

Objet social de l'association Association CHELLYWOOD:

promouvoir la pratique d'activités artistiques locales (musique, cinéma, théâtre, photographie, arts plastiques) mais sur le plus large territoire possible

Informations de l'association Association CHELLYWOOD

  • Code objet social de l'association 006000
  • Numéro waldec de l'association W771013649
  • Ancien numéro de l'associationInconnu
  • Numéro de siret Inconnu
  • Code du site gestionnaire de l’association 771S
  • Date de dépôt du dossier en Préfecture 25-01-2017
  • Date de la dernière déclaration 25-01-2017
  • Date de publication JO de l’avis de création 04-02-2017
  • Groupement Association simple
  • Date de déclaration de dissolution de l’association

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